Friday, June 18, 2010

Devil and Angel

In each of us is there is a devil and an angel at once. Our role is to controle those two. Too much sweetness leads to diabetes, too much darkness leads to hell... Devil has worse consequences so you would do better keep sweet :-)


  1. According to law of karma, If you do good you will get good ,if you do bad you will get bad(not necessarily at the same moment ..may be later in your life or in later lives). So better do good and be like an angel so that you will always get favorable(good) conditions in later lives.

  2. The good and the Bad always an internal struggle. But in the end our core values define the victory over the good and bad. If we embrace the good within and practice Ethical, honorable living, with a fine dose of Honesty, Love, Sincerity. We could easily over come the Devil with in us. I call the devil with us the Animal instinct. With proper influence, guidance and training we control the animal instinct with in us, like Anger, Lust, Hate,,,,
    The more we are able to control these the more we evolve as civilized people and move away from the Animal with in us.

  3. Very interesting points.

    I guess we certainly shouldnt do bad things. But as human beings are do lots of mistakes and our good actions may have bad impact without our knowing.

    The animal instincts are naturally part of us. We can control them thru meditation but how many people can master this?

  4. Thru meditation we can just hope to control it to a certain extend.

    And not every one can. People have lot of chemical imbalances, and those who maybe of perfect health maybe able to try it. And women have their monthly thing, so it does take a lot for them. But certainly to a certain extent you can keep it in check
