Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is really important in the Relationship

I got this link discussing what is essential to observe in a relationship. I guess it is really valid in a real life so I am posting it here.

1. You tell him things you don't tell anyone else.

2. You let her see you in moments of weakness. She should be a comfort during tough times, not a burden. 6 Ways To Be Extra-Supportive

3. You respect him. You don't want to change the essence of who he is. There may be stuff that irritates you in everyday life but you like him, plain and simple.

4. You want him to meet your parents. You feel proud of him and you want to show him off.

5. You can imagine a future together.

6. You're not afraid to disagree with him. You know that even if you fight, he'll listen to you. He takes you seriously, even when he thinks you're wrong.

7. You want to work out your major differences.

8. You laugh together.

9. You're incredibly, utterly, surprisingly attracted to her.

10. It's OK to be quiet around her. You don't feel like you have to fill the space between you with chatter or other interaction.

11. You feel like yourself around him. You don't feel like you have to edit your thoughts; you're not self-conscious or anxious.

12. You need him the right amount.

13. You don't feel too jealous. You let each other have your own lives and hobbies.

14. You feel like she makes you a better person.

15. She just gets you. You feel like she understands some essential part of you that you can't explain or articulate.

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